BC Dairy Farmers

Dairy Industry Glossary

EFP? CFIA? DHI? What do these common agriculture acronyms mean? Find out here!



Additional Information


Agriculture and Agri-food Canada Agriculture and Agri-food Canada’s mandate is to provide information, research and technology, and policies and programs for the health and growth of the food system and sustainability of the environment. This includes supporting trade, regulating plants and animals, helping to stabilize farmers’ incomes, and encouraging research.


Agriculture Environment Partnership Initiative The AEPI and AESI funds were established in 2001 to assist the agriculture industry address environmental issues and wildlife agriculture conflicts


Agriculture Environment Stewardship Initiative The AEPI and AESI funds were established in 2001 to assist the agriculture industry address environmental issues and wildlife agriculture conflicts.


Agriculture and Research Development Corporation Subsidiary of the BC Agriculture Council


BC Agriculture Council Provides leadership in representing, promoting, and advocating the collective interests of all agricultural producers in the Province of BC. The Council fosters cooperation and a collective response to matters affecting the future of agriculture in the province and facilitates programs and service delivery for a number of programs that benefit the industry.


BC Dairy Association BC Dairy Foundation is a not-for-profit organization with the mandate of increasing consumption of milk in British Columbia. Since 1974, the Foundation has developed and delivered leading edge nutrition education programs for many thousands of school children. In addition, the Foundation promotes the consumption of fluid milk and cream. The Foundation is funded by the milk producers in the province and does not receive any government funding. The BC Milk Producers Association and the BC Dairy Foundation merged in 2012 to form the BC Dairy Association.


BC Investment Agriculture Foundation The Investment Agriculture Foundation of British Columbia is a non-profit organization that invests federal and provincial funds to help the agri-food industry adapt to change. The Foundation is industry-led; comprised of member organizations from across the agri-food industry.


BC Ministry of Agriculture The ministry is committed to providing the business climate for a competitive and profitable industry providing safe, high quality food for consumers and export markets. The current Minister of Agriculture and Lands is the Honourable Lana Popham.


BC Milk Marketing Board The BC Milk Marketing Board regulates milk production in the province of British Columbia. The Board allots Total Production Quota (TPQ) to producers to ensure sufficient milk production to meet consumer needs. The Board also licenses producers, processors and transporters, and establishes the prices that processors pay for the use of milk in each class. The British Columbia Producer Milk Pool is operated monthly by the Board so that all producers can market the same proportion of their milk in each class.


BC Milk Producers Association The purpose of the BC Milk Producers Association is to provide leadership to advance the legitimate business interest of British Columbia dairy farmers and promote a vibrant, sustainable industry which supplies high quality dairy products to the consumer. The BC Milk Producers Association and the BC Dairy Foundation merged in 2012 to form the BC Dairy Association.


BC Supply Management 5 British Columbia Supply Management 5 is a cross-commodity group, working for British Columbia’s poultry and dairy farmers for fair negotiations with and a balanced trade position at the World Trade Organization (WTO). BCSM5 brings together all people and organizations that believe in a strong agricultural sector and a prosperous food industry in British Columbia and Canada.


Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy BSE or “Mad Cow Disease” is a progressive, fatal disease of the nervous system of cattle. It is what is known as a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE). Other TSEs include scrapie in sheep, chronic wasting disease in deer and elk, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans. Although the exact cause of BSE is unknown, it is associated with the presence of an abnormal protein called a prion. There is no treatment or vaccine currently available for the disease.


Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance CAFTA represents agricultural sectors united in their dependence on trade and in their need for a liberalized international trading environment. For more information about CAFTA visit www.cafta.org.


Canadian Dairy Commission A Crown corporation created in 1966 through the Canadian Dairy Commission Act. Under the Canadian Dairy Commission Act, the CDC?s legislated objectives are:
– To provide efficient producers of milk and cream with the opportunity to obtain a fair return for their labour and investment
– To provide consumers of dairy products with a continuous and adequate supply of dairy products of high quality.


Canadian Dairy Information Centre The Canadian Dairy Information Centre is of a partnership between Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) , the Canadian Dairy Commission (CDC), the Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC)


Canadian Food Inspection Agency The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is responsible for safety and quality standards as set out by Health Canada. In the dairy industry this involves setting standards and grades, inspecting processing plants, and looking after labelling and packaging guidelines.


Cattle Industry Development Council A commodity group that works under the Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act. The purpose of the FFIDA is to allow commodity groups, such as the CIDC, to establish a self-levy system to fund market promotion, market development, research and other development.


Council of Marketing Boards The Association representing the Boards and Commissions incorporated under the Natural Products Marketing (BC) Act.


Canadian Quality Milk

The program is a HACCP-based on-farm food safety program designed for the Canadian dairy industry by the Dairy Farmers of Canada. Its goal is to satisfy the consumer demand for assurance that food consumed is produced in the safest possible manner and is of the highest quality. 

This program became the proAction initiative which is based on 6-pillars that sustain industry: Food Safety, Animal Care, Livestock Traceability, Environment, and Biosecurity. The program was created by farmers, for farmers with the ideas that farmers work towards promoting quality milk and healthy livestock by implementing best management practices on dairy farms. 


Domestic Dairy Product Innovation Program The objective of the DDPIP is to grant flexibility to the National Milk Marketing Plan by providing a mechanism whereby those who wish to produce new and innovative dairy products (as defined in the CDC Act) can access the milk they need outside of existing provincial plant supply allocations.


Dairy Farmers of Canada The national lobby, policy and promotion organization representing Canada’s 17,000 dairy producers. DFC is run for producers, by producers. The operation of the organization, including promotion activities, is completely funded by dairy producers. 
DFC’s membership includes provincial milk marketing boards, dairy producers’ associations, cooperatives, milk recording and breed-related organizations.


Dairy Farmers of Manitoba A dairy farmer organization which is completely directed and funded by dairy producers. The purpose for the Board is to obtain fair and equitable prices for milk for dairy farmers, develop and maintain an orderly milk marketing strategy, encourage a consistent supply of high quality milk, maintain an adequate advertising and promotion program for milk and dairy products, act on behalf of all milk producers with respect to our public, provide dairy farmers an efficient and affordable bulk milk transportation system


Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia An organization created through legislation enacted in 2001, and replacing the former Nova Scotia Dairy Commission. The organization exists under the umbrella of the Natural Products Marketing Council of the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. Dairy Farmers of Nova Scotia provides a regulatory and administrative service to Nova Scotia’s dairy producers.


Dairy Farmers of Ontario The marketing group for the largest sector of Ontario agriculture. Owned and operated by the farm families of Ontario’s dairy farms. Their mission is to provide leadership and excellence as a dairy producer organization in the production, transportation and marketing of milk in service to the milk producers, processors and consumers of Ontario.


Dairy Industry Development Council A commodity group that works under the Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act. The DIDC is responsible for collecting producer levies and distributing them accordingly to the different producer organizations. The Council members are the board of directors of BC Dairy Association.


Environmental Farm Plan A voluntary program designed to detect and correct environmental concerns. The documents are prepared by farm families and help to increase their awareness of the environment on their farm. Through the EFP process, farmers will highlight environmental strengths on their farm, identify areas of environmental concern, and set realistic goals and time tables to improve environmental conditions. The EFP program complements and enhances the current environmental stewardship practices of British Columbian producers.


Farming and Fishing Industries Development Act The purpose of the FFIDA is to allow commodity groups to establish a self-levy system to fund market promotion, market development, research and other development.


Farm Industry Review Board The British Columbia Farm Industry Review Board is an administrative tribunal body with additional responsibilities for the general supervision of marketing boards and commissions (commodity boards) operating in the agriculture and aquaculture sectors.


Federation des producteurs de lait du Quebec The milk marketing group representing the interests of producers in Quebec.


Kamloops-Okanagan Dairymen’s Association A regional organization that represents rougly 100 dairy farms in the North Okanagan-Shuswap area.


Milk Industry Advisory Committee The Committee’s role is to advise and provide direction to other industry associations and boards such as the BC Milk Marketing Board.


Mainland Milk Producers Regional organization representing producers of the Lower Mainland.


School Milk Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador The School Milk Foundation has an independent Board of Directors, consisting of representatives from the Dairy Farmers, the Milk Processors, The Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association, and the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador.
About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.