Press Release

BC Dairy ‘Milk & Cookies for Canuck Place’ Fundraiser Encourages Schools to Sweeten Support through Bake Sales

All proceeds made from Milk & Cookie sales at participating schools will be donated to Canuck Place Children’s Hospice.

For Immediate Release
Feb 26, 2024

Vancouver, BCThe Milk & Cookies for Canuck Place fundraiser, presented by BC’s dairy farmers, is now entering its next phase – encouraging schools across the Lower Mainland to sign up and participate in ‘Cookie Day’ – February 29th. On this day, each sale of milk and cookies from classroom bake sales will be donated to Canuck Place Children’s Hospice, BC and the Yukon’s only pediatric palliative care provider, caring for 871 children with life-threatening illnesses and the families who love them.

Stephanie Hill-Davie and her husband are 3rd & 4th generation dairy farmers from East Delta, and their family has had first-hand experience with Canuck Place after their son Owen was diagnosed with a single gene defect affecting multiple organs and passed away on their program in 2022. Holly Elementary, a school where Stephanie’s children attend, was one of the first schools to signal their participation this year.

To show their continuing support for the fundraiser, the Hill Davie family are encouraging schools to fundraise and will be funding pizza parties for classrooms that raise the most donations at each participating school.

“Canuck Place gave us so much life back and is an essential service to so many families across British Columbia and the Yukon,” says Stephanie Hill Davie. “They provide around-the-clock services and care to make you and your family feel supported. Funding these pizza parties is the least we can do for all the work and love they showed our family through such a difficult time. I encourage school districts across the Lower Mainland to participate in ‘Cookie Day’ too.”

“Supporting Canuck Place fundraising campaigns over the last few years hasn’t just been about donating funds; it’s been about fostering hope, resilience, and compassion within our school,” says Jacquie Von Schulmann, Vice-Principal at Holly Elementary School. “Our school recognizes the importance of standing together in solidarity with families facing unimaginable challenges just like our very own Hill Davie family. Involvement in these campaigns not only empowers students to take action and make a difference but helps foster a more compassionate and supportive world for all.” 

The fundraiser is also collecting donations directly through Canuck Place, at participating shops and bakeries, and at all Abbotsford Canucks home games this season. All proceeds will be matched by BC’s dairy farmers to a maximum of $30,000 to benefit Canuck Place.

Schools interested in participating in the ‘Cookie Club’ on February 29th are asked to contact Chantelle Bowles –

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit association that represents BC’s dairy farmers, works to grow the market for dairy products and support profitable, environmentally, and socially responsible dairy farm businesses. The Association also brings dairy farmers together while building lasting relationships within their communities. There are 425 dairy farms in BC, supporting 12,500 jobs, and the industry contributes $1.225 billion to the provincial economy (GDP). 

Canuck Place Children’s Hospice is BC and the Yukon’s pediatric palliative care provider. Over 871 children living with life-threatening illnesses and families from five provincial health regions receive Canuck Place inpatient and community-based care (in home/in hospital). Canuck Place operates 13 patient beds and 8 family suites through two hospices in Vancouver and Abbotsford. Services include in-hospice medical respite and family support, pain and symptom management, a provincial 24-Hour Clinical Care Line, music and recreation therapy, education and art, grief, loss, and bereavement counselling, as well as end-of-life care. With donors, research initiatives, our talented team, patient family partners, and over 261 volunteers, we care for children with short lives and the families who love them.

The Abbotsford Canucks are the American Hockey League (AHL) affiliate of the Vancouver Canucks and part of Canucks Sports & Entertainment. They are ‘proudly Abbotsford’ and are committed to supporting communities across the Fraser Valley through the Canucks for Kids Foundation and initiatives like the Milk and Cookies for Canuck Place initiative.


Media Contact:

Carolyn Hornell
Director of Community Engagement
BC Dairy
604 986-7713

Adam Forsythe