Serving up evidence-based nutrition education.

Our Registered Dietitians have been making sure British Columbians have all the information they need to eat well for over 40 years. Our evidence-based workshops and resources (like our award-winning Calcium Calculator™), make teaching nutrition easy.

If you’re a Health Professional and want more information on things like our annual nutrition forum, our workshops, or resources, you’re in the right place.


Calcium Calculator™

Calcium—do your clients get enough?

Most Canadians don’t get enough calcium. In fact, 87% of women between the ages of 19–50 have inadequate calcium intakes.1 But while the benefits of calcium are well-known, did you know that your dietary calcium intake can predict how well you are eating overall?2 Studies have shown that diets low in calcium are also low in many other key nutrients.3

The Calcium Calculator™ is available as a mobile app, an online tool or a print resource.

Calcium Calculator App Icon

Annual Nutrition Forum

Our annual event is for health professionals to connect and learn about the latest in nutrition education and health research.

Learn More

Recent articles.

The latest, news, updates and important announcements.

Cooking and Eating
June 12, 2021

How Can I Create Enjoyable Family Meals?

Having more family meals at home? Change mealtimes from a struggle to a satisfying event with the division of responsibility. Do you constantly find yourself fighting over meals with your children or cooking different meals to cater to a variety of food preferences in your household? Do mealtimes always seem like a struggle? Figuring out […]

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  1. Health Canada.
    Do Canadian adults meet their nutrient requirements through food intake alone?
    Canadian Community Health Survey, Cycle 2.2 Nutrition.2012. Accessed May 22, 2018.
  2. Weinberg, L et al.
    Nutrient contributions of dairy foods in the United States, continuing survey of food intakes by individuals, 1994–1996, 1998.
    Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 2004; 104: 895–902. doi:
  3. Rafferty, KA, Heaney, JB, & Lappe, JM.
    Dietary calcium intake is a marker for total diet quality in adolescent girls and women across the life cycle.
    Nutrition Today. 2011; 46: 244-251. doi: 10.1097/NT.0b013e318230e5b5