Innovation in BC dairy farming.

BC Dairy supports research that strengthens on-farm sustainability, animal health and welfare, and milk quality. We partner with leading national researchers to drive constant improvement on dairy farms—research that benefits not just local BC producers, but dairy farmers across the country and beyond. Locally, we provide funding for producer training and extension events to ensure that our BC dairy producers have the most up-to-date information for the health of their land, their animals, and their businesses.

Dairy research & education funding.

BC Dairy encourages and financially supports projects and programs that advance the BC dairy industry. We provide funding for research, educational events, and student scholarships.

Cows being milked in a rotary milking parlour

Dairy research library.

Reports and findings from previously funded research projects, awarded scholarships, and dairy industry-funded events. Gain insight and understanding into the latest innovations, dairy practices, and brightest minds in BC.

Dairy farmer checks geothermal heat exchange equipment