February 18, 2014

Probiotics: What You Need To Know

Probiotics are booming in popularity, but what does the research tell us? Is it all hype, or are there benefits to taking probiotics? Here are our answers to some of your frequently asked questions. Q: What is a probiotic? A:  Probiotics must be live microorganisms that survive and grow in the gastrointestinal tract, are safe […]

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February 17, 2014

Does Milk Contain Growth Hormones and Antibiotics?

Canadian dairy farmers do not use growth hormones such as BST or rBGH and ensure their milk is free of antibiotics. While the administration of growth hormones known as BST or rBGH to dairy cows is allowed in the US, it is illegal in Canada and therefore not permitted for use with any dairy cows. […]

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February 17, 2014

Is Cow’s Milk Really Only for Calves?

People all over the world depend on milk as an important and easy source of many nutrients. As humans, we’ve always been omnivores, eating a combination of plant and animal foods. Since the introduction of agriculture and domestication of livestock, we’ve been raising ruminants for meat and milk products for thousands of years. The kind […]

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February 17, 2014

Does Pasteurization Destroy Nutrients in Milk?

The important nutrients in milk are not affected by heat. Pasteurization is a gentle heat treatment aimed solely at eliminating harmful bacteria that can be found in raw milk. It also deactivates the enzymes that can lead to early milk spoilage. In Canada, both federal and provincial regulations require that all milk sold to consumers […]

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February 6, 2014

Three quick & simple recipes to impress your Valentine

Each recipe cooks in 20 mins or less! Not sure what to do for your Valentine?  Make a lasting impression with these three quick and easy recipes from our friends at Buy Local. Eat Natural. Cooking Tip: Prepare your ingredients before hand so come Valentine’s Day, it’ll be a chinch to make. Start the first […]

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Tips and tricks
February 5, 2014

10 Tips for More Family Meals

Eating together is a great way to connect and catch up on the day’s events. If having more family meals is on your resolution list this year, check these tips to keep the experience fun and make it happen. Tip #1: Schedule activities around meal time. Lots of families have to juggle conflicting schedules with after school […]

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January 24, 2014

Maximize Your Winter Workouts

Some helpful tips to ensure your body has the right nutrients for fast recovery when exercising outside in wintertime. British Columbia boasts some of world’s best mountains and incorporating them into your winter exercise program is a great way to stay fit and active.  But the hours spent on the mountain can drain your energy […]

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December 31, 2013

Dairy Conference Highlights – Merle Good

Merle Good shares valuable information on succession planning with attendees. Merle Good provided attendees with a great deal of food for thought. Merle, a Taxation and Business Specialist, explained business structure options and taxation strategies available for succession planning.  He also identified and discussed the top six issues facing Dairy Farmers when planning for succession.  A […]

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