Prep Time

30 minutes

Cook Time

2 hours

Total Time

2 hours 30 minutes

Pastillas de Leche

Pastillas de leche, also called pastiyema, are a type of Filipino candies that originated from the farmlands of Bulacan province. These confections are made with locally produced cow’s milk and sugar along with citrus juice to balance the richness.

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Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

50 minutes

Total Time

1 hour

Leche Puto

Leche Puto is a Filipino dessert combining two favorites (leche flan and puto) into one delectable treat.

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Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

15 minutes

Total Time

25 minutes

Halo Halo

Halo-halo, which translates to “mix-mix” is a Filipino-style shaved ice made with sweetened beans, fruits, and jellies and topped with milk, Leche flan, purple yam jam, and ice cream.

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