
Christmas with the Taylors

Almost everyone takes the day off work on Christmas day, but if you are a dairy farmer, then the cows still need to be milked, the calves still need to be fed and the parlour still needs to get cleaned.

We sat down and chatted with Dave Taylor, our Board Chair about what Christmas is like on his farm. Here is what he had to say:

What is the first thing you do on Christmas morning?

Well it has changed a little over time, but I imagine this year my kids will wake me up; it will most likely be my daughter. Our hired milker will be coming by for morning milking but my brother and his son will head down to the barn towards the end, feed all the calves and cows, and do some of the cleaning, but keep it pretty simple.

Does anything different happen in the barn on Christmas day?

There is something about Christmas and the spirit that is around that makes you so happy. You look at the calves and cows and you want them to have a merry Christmas as well, so you want to be there to take care of them.

What happens after morning milking, any special Taylor traditions?

Well, I prepare a big brunch for the whole family, fresh croissants, crepes, eggs, sausage, bacon, lots of stuff. The whole family comes over and we have such a big brunch that we save turkey dinner for the 26th. We open presents and play board games as a family. In the afternoon, my son Jordan and I head into the barn. We look forward to bringing a basket of goodies to our milker, feeding all the calves and heifers, and cleaning the stalls. It has become our own special tradition.

Finally Dave, what is your favourite Christmas movie?

We love ending Christmas evening with a movie. We are big fans of “The Polar Express” and “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

From all of us at BC Dairy Association, we wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.