
Welcome to Food for Us.

In just under forty-five minutes, our self-paced video workshop will teach you about the program, showcase the free-materials, and build excitement for your class!  If you are new to teaching  Food for Us, we are happy to have you.  If you currently teach Food for Us and/or have taken a workshop in the past, we do recommend you watch the workshop videos to get up to speed on all the updates to the program.  

If you’re interested in learning more about the Food for Us program before you get started, or want to book an in-person or virtual workshop, learn more here

Before you get started:

  1. Ensure you have at least 45 minutes to watch the workshop video in its entirety. You will be unable to rewind/fast forward or use chapters to navigate, at this time.
  2. Once you have completed the workshop video, an access code will be provided that will allow you to order your initial kit on our online portal if you do not already have your materials. Sign-up or login below.  
  3. If you have your materials from our pre-order in October of 2022, don’t forget to pull out your teacher guide to take notes on the notes pages at the end of every lesson.

Let us know what you think!

After you have watched the workshop video, fill out our 15-minute feedback survey before March 31st, 2023 and enter to win $250 as a thank you for your time.

Order your materials:

If you are new to Food for Us, or haven’t ordered materials through our new online system, sign up to our portal.  

If you have any questions regarding the Food for Us program, want to discuss any of the topics from the workshop in more detail, or need support in ordering, our nutrition team is here to help! 

Contact us to talk to one of our registered dietitians.