
Keeping Milk Fresh

Storing milk properly will preserve its quality and freshness.

Even though milk is perishable, storing it properly will preserve its quality and freshness. Use the guidelines below to get full benefits from the milk you buy.

  • In the store, check the best before date to ensure that you are buying the freshest quality milk available.
  • When shopping, always pick up your milk last so it will stay cold as long as possible.
  • Remember to use milk in the order in which you purchase it.
  • Refrigerate at 4°C as soon as possible after purchase.
  • Store milk on refrigerator shelves rather than doors; the doors are not cold enough.
  • Whenever possible, leave milk in its original container to safeguard its flavour and food value.
  • Remember that exposing milk to light destroys its riboflavin content and can cause ‘off flavours’.
  • Avoid spoilage. Do not return unused milk from a serving pitcher to the original container.
  • Keep milk containers closed and stored away from strong-smelling foods; milk is sensitive to odours.
  • Although freezing milk affects the texture, it may be frozen for up to 3 weeks with only minor nutrient and flavour loss. Skim and 2% milk freeze better than whole milk. Thaw frozen milk in the refrigerator. If it separates upon thawing, beat it with a rotary beater.
  • UHT (Ultra High Temperature) or sterilized milk is perfect for activities like hiking and camping. It can be stored for up to four months without refrigeration if unopened. Be sure to check the expiry date.
  • All unrefrigerated, opened milk products are perishable. Opened container of canned and UHT milk must be refrigerated. Opened canned milk should be immediately transferred to a clean glass container and should be covered. It should be used within 3 weeks of opening.
About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.