
March is Nutrition Month!

Good for you! Dietitians help you find your healthy.

March is Nutrition Month across Canada. This year’s theme focuses on how Registered Dietitians help promote health and wellness in the workplace and across their communities. For over 40 years, the registered dietitians at BC Dairy Association have been developing nutrition education materials for teachers and health professionals across BC. Based on sound educational design, it’s no surprise that these materials really work to help people eat well.

To celebrate Nutrition Month 2021, BC Dairy will highlight a topic, theme, or education material to help you reach your healthy eating goals each week of the month. Healthy eating looks different for everyone. We are here to help.

Don’t forget to download or order your free poster! See below.

Weekly Themes

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.