young female dairy farmer with a cow in the field
Press Release

BC Milk | Here for you. Always.

During these challenging times, BC’s dairy farmers are working to support their communities.

We continue to do our part to ensure a steady supply of dairy products is available. Milk is picked up from BC dairy farms every day. After milk leaves the farm, it is pasteurized, packaged, and available in grocery stores within 48 hours. While some stores have reported higher purchase volumes, consumers can be assured that our farms continue to produce a constant supply of nutritious dairy products for all British Columbians.

At a time when many people are struggling to meet basic needs, dairy farmers have been reminded that their role as food producers is especially vital to the wellbeing of communities. BC’s food banks provide a critical service for BC families, and dairy farmers are proud to support them in their work. Join us in supporting BC’s Food Banks.

To support food banks with food, funding or volunteering, please contact your own local food bank. Contact details are available on the Food Banks BC website at

Questions about milk? Learn more:

COVID-19: Information for consumers about milk in Canada