BC’s dairy farmers are in the business of producing food. They aim to ensure that the safety, flavour and quality of their milk will satisfy the highest expectations of the food industry and consumers alike.
Food safety is everyone’s business in the dairy industry. Milk quality and safety are checked during or immediately after milking, before the bulk tank milk graders pick up the milk, and before milk is unloaded at the processor. Results that fall outside of standards lead to warnings, rejection of milk or meat, financial penalties and loss of their license to produce.
The Food Safety module of proAction is an on-farm HACCP-based food safety program developed by Dairy Farmers of Canada and recognized by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).
Providing excellent animal care is one of the most important job requirements when you are a dairy farmer.
proAction helps dairy farmers define and adhere to on-farm biosecurity practices for animal health and food safety
proAction encourages Canadian dairy farmers to continuously advance environmental stewardship.
Everyone who cares for dairy cattle must maintain meticulous records on animal movements to ensure the health of all cattle across Canada.
Dairy farmers monitor their milk quality every day.