
Results Pour In For Snack Time

Snack Time gets glowing reviews and praise

Results Pour In For Snack Time

Teens are tough, and even a tougher segment to market to.  Finding a natural place for milk to engage with them is challenging, particularly when you’re up against brands like Coke and Red Bull, which spend significantly more on marketing and are perceived to be cool and popular with teens.

Knowing teens have a lot on the go and lead hectic lives fuelled by other brands, Milk West set out to differentiate milk and play a different role by helping teens make the most of their downtime.  Essentially, give teens permission to relax and enjoy a glass of milk along with their favourite foods when chilling out at home.

In July 2014, DDB Canada helped Milk West launch an unconventional campaign that cleverly engages youth through their digital lives by regularly serving them relevant and entertaining content that they were already seeking online.

Armed with the insight that only milk could elevate a taste experience of certain foods, the Snack Time cartoon features a carton of milk named Carlton and a cast of characters who all happen to be snacks that taste great with milk.  The creative’s subtle approach is perfectly formulated for teens, as there are no traditional product shots or calls to action, and is found on digital channels where they’re most active.

To date, Snack Time includes 45 videos, 16 comics and 17 animated gifs, and has built an online community that includes over 21,525 YouTube (Snack Time on YouTube) subscribers and 7,052 Tumblr followers (Snack Time on Tumblr).  Snack Time has amassed 7.6 million episode views and 4.9 million Tumblr impressions and counting, with its fervent community regularly providing feedback and ideas for future episodes and characters.  A few of our favourite comments include:

 “why do you have too be so funny!? whenever i’m feeling down your videos are always there too cheer me up! you just got a subscribe” Lucy Fnafgirl2003

 “Oh, how I love Snack Time!! Just subscribed…thanks for sharing your talent. And your snacks! Mmmmmm, snacks!” Pamela Jessen

 “Literally just watched every episode. These are to funny haha can’t wait for future snack times” xobaileeox

 “i loooooove cookies+milk” Minnah Vincent

 “This cartoon makes me want to eat cookies…and drink milk, which makes me feel like a cannibal…yumm…” Plop Cartoons

In addition to the positive feedback from viewers, Snack Time has done exceptionally well at the ad industry’s toughest creative competitions this year, picking up 18 awards at regional, national and international shows that celebrate innovative ideas and breakthrough creative.  This year, Snack Time was recognized at the LOTUS Awards, Marketing Awards, Applied Arts, Communication Arts, New York Festivals, London International Awards, Media Innovation Awards, and most importantly the Canadian Marketing Association (CMA) Awards, Canada’s largest annual advertising award show that celebrates creative marketing that deliver results.

The three quarterly tracking studies that measured the results of Snack Time concluded, the percentage of teens in Western Canada who agree “milk is a fun drink” has increased 9 per cent; higher milk consumption where Snack Time’s audience report they drink approximately 1.5 extra servings of milk per week compared to teens not watching our content; and an increase in future intent with almost 30 per cent of Snack Time’s audience say they will drink more milk in the future compared to those who have not watched the web series.

With an unconventional approach, Snack Time has repositioned milk as a relevant and fun beverage, and weekly servings amongst our audience are up, as is intent to consume. Exactly what Milk West set out to achieve.

Watch the latest episodes of Snack Time here:

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.