
The 16th Annual Pacific Agriculture Show

The Pacific Agriculture Show and BC Dairy Expo is Back!

The Pacific Agriculture Show and BC Dairy Expo is back!

The 16th annual Pacific Agriculture Show will be held from Thursday January 30th until Saturday February 1st at Tradex Exhibition Centre. The Pacific Agriculture Show provides an opportunity for the agriculture industry to network and learn more about new innovative technologies. Additionally on Thursday, January 30th, the Pacific Ag Show will be featuring the 46th Dairy Expo. This year’s theme will be “Human Resource Management on Dairy Farms of Today and in the Future.” Registration will include admission into the Pacific Agriculture Show for all 3 days and will begin at 9:00AM at the Tradex entrance.

Be sure to come visit the BC Dairy Association at booth 751 for more information about the producer procurement initiative and to check our Delilah the fibre glass cow.

For more information about the Pacific Agriculture Show, please visit:

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.