
The Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience Wraps Up Summer and Heads Back to School

The Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience had a fantastic summer bringing live milking and calf feeding demonstrations to 22 different summer events and fairs including; Cloverdale Exhibition, Flavours of Surrey and Interior Provincial Exhibition. At selected events the Moo Crew brought Delilah – a life sized fibre glass cow kids could actually “milk”. The Moo Crew also handed out amazing prizes such as “I ♥ Cows” wristbands and sunglasses, handy rain ponchos as well as fun stickers and pencils.  In addition, the Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience visited 18 summer camps such as; Langley Boys and Girls Club, UBC Farm Wonders and Terry Fox Library, proving learning can be fun and memorable.

For more information about the Mobile Dairy Classroom Experience and to book us for your school or community event, please visit:

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.