
Try Your Luck With 4 Tasty St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

Try these delicious recipes for some St. Patrick’s Day meal inspiration!

Looking for some edible St. Patrick’s Day inspiration? Check out these four easy, tasty & themed recipes!

  1. Irish Soda Bread: the smell of this hearty quick bread adds the irish touch to any meal
  2. Minty Green Pea & Buttermilk Soup: this fresh and creamy soup is delicious served cold or hot
  3. Broccoli Salad: perfect for a potluck or ready at home in 20 min, this crisp salad is always a hit
  4. Green Veggie Smoothie: kids and adults alike will cheer for this refreshing, naturally sweet choice
About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.