BC Dairy Farmers

Webinar on Udder Health

The Dairy Research Cluster will be offering a free webinar on udder health on March 14, 2013 from 1:00pm to 2:00 pm (Eastern Standard Time).

Vaccine for Staph. aureus: The Villain is Unmasked! (French)

Dr. Francois Malouin, Université de Sherbrooke, Quebec
Vaccination is an effective strategy to enhance cow resistance to infection. Simple and relatively easy to use, vaccination is a tool that dairy producers appreciate in managing the health of their herd.  Dr. Malouin’s team used two proteins they discovered to develop a new vaccine.

Dry-off from the cow’s perspective (English)

Gosia Zobel, University of British Columbia
Gosia’s research focuses on improving our understanding of how “drying-off” dairy cows using various strategies impacts their welfare. Although dry-off is a common procedure in modern dairy production systems, little consensus exists in regards to the methodologies used, and how they impact the cows.

Highlights and novelties from projects of the Mastitis Network (English)

Herman Barkema, University of Calgary
Dr. Barkema will summarize the results of two key projects from the Mastitis Network on “Biofilm formation and rapid identification of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CNS) and Reducing intramammary infection  in free-stall housed dairy cows.”


To register, please contact Shelley Crabtree, Communications Officer, Dairy Research Cluster at shelley.crabtree@dairyresearch.ca 

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.