Want to save money on everyday farm expenses? Here’s how…
The BC Dairy Producer Member Benefits program is a brand new BC Dairy Association initiative. The purpose of the program is to bring bulk discounts to all dairy farms in BC. BC Dairy Association has partnered with select suppliers to negotiate better pricing and promotions for our industry.
Save money in 5 steps:
- Receive your personalized members benefits pin in the mail. (If you misplace this pin or do not receive it in the mail contact Nadia Shah at 604.294.3775)
- Register your email on the BC Dairy Association producer extranet to obtain information on available promotions and discounts: bcdairy.ca/dairyfarmers/producer-login/
- Review the promotions and discount available exclusively to dairy farmers in BC on the producer extranet: bcdairy.ca/producers/benefits
- Contact participating member benefits suppliers using the direct contact information provided
- Take advantage of great promotions and save money!!!!