
BC Dairy Association Canadian Quality Milk (CQM) Withdrawal Policy

Revised 02.13.14

If a producer is not fulfilling their responsiblities as required under the CQM program, the withdrawal of a producer from CQM will begin. This policy explains Self Declarations, Validations, and Corrective Action procedures. 

Self Declaration

  • A Self Declaration needs to be completed by each Producer as requested.
  • A Self Declaration is mailed on the 1st of the month and is due on the last day of the same month.
  • If Self Declaration is not received by the 20th of the month, a phone call is made to remind the Producer within 5 business days.
  • If the Self Declaration is not received by the end of the month, Withdrawal Letter 1 is sent by registered mail within 5 business days.
  • If the Self Declaration is not received 30 days after Withdrawal Letter 1 is sent, Withdrawal Letter 2 is then forwarded by registered mail.
  • Withdrawal takes place 14 days after Withdrawal Letter 2 if Self Declaration is not received in completed form.


  • When validation is needed, a Producer has 1 month to schedule the validation.
  • 3 attempts by Validator will occur by phone to schedule Validation.
  • If Validation is not scheduled by the end of the month, Withdrawal Letter 1 is sent by registered mail. If no contact has been made between the Producer and the Validator within one month, Withdrawal Letter 1 is sent by registered mail.
  • Withdrawal Letter 2 will be sent 30 days later by registered mail if not scheduled.
  • Withdrawal will take place 14 days after Withdrawal Letter 2.

Corrective Action

A Producer going through Validation or submitting a self-declaration but needing to make corrective actions, will be treated as follows:

  • Corrective actions are required by the due-date listed in the validation documents that the Producer receives.
  • A phone call will be made during this time to encourage corrections.
  • Withdrawal Letter 1 is sent by registered mail 7 days after due date.
  • Withdrawal Letter 2 is sent by registered mail 30 days after Withdrawal Letter 1 if corrective actions are not received.
  • Producer is withdrawn 14 days after Withdrawal Letter 2 is sent.

Note – If a withdrawal takes place, Producer must submit 3 months of bulk tank temperatures (record 12), 3 months of treatments (record 10), 3 months of milking equipment sanitation records (Record 13), SOPs, and a passing water test from the last 12 months. The Producer can then submit a new registration application after a minimum wait time of 90 days, and they will enter the queue for Validation.

Note –If a withdrawal takes place, the Milk Board will be notified and effective immediately, a producer is no longer eligible or able to participate in the following:

  • the quality bonus
  • all credit transfers
  • any buying or selling of quota (except the complete selling of all quota holdings)
  • quota incentive days
  • quota allocations

Note – When Withdrawal Letter 1 is sent, BC Dairy Board Chair and one BC Dairy Director from Producer’s region are informed.

When Withdrawal Letter 2 is sent, the full BC Dairy Board of Directors are informed. A BCDA Director from each region will be designated on a yearly basis as the regional contact Director for notification of withdrawal letter’s for producers in their region. 
*A Member-At-Large Director is not eligible.

  • If more than 1 withdrawal letter is sent to a producer over a two-year period, a full, supplemental (additional) validation may be required.
  • If a producer receives 2 withdrawal letters within 2 years, a full validation will be required the following year.
  • If 3 withdrawal letters are issued to a producer within 2 years, a full validation will be required for the following two years.
About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.