
Salmonella Dublin at the Rayner Dairy Facility—Jay Olyniuk

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Jay Olyniuk

Jay Olyniuk is the herd manager at the Rayner Dairy Centre at the University of Saskatchewan. Salmonella Dublin came into the research spotlight in Western Canada in 2019, when it was identified at The Rayner Centre. Jay should be credited with alerting the western provinces to the increasing prevalence of Salmonella Dublin, as well as breaking the taboo of talking about infectious diseases in our herds.

Jay spoke at the 2022 Greenbelt Veterinary Services/BC Dairy partnered event, walking us through the early days of identifying the disease in the Rayner herd and what they have done to date to manage it.

See Also:

More Than Just Emerging: Prevalence of Salmonella Dublin in BC Dairy Herds—Dr. Ellen Boyd, BC Ministry of Agriculture

Salmonella Dublin:  A Really Good Reason to Practice Biosecurity—Dr. John Dick, Greenbelt Veterinary Services

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.