BC Dairy Association, with WorkSafeBC and FARSHA, is facilitating a study to assess the risks of agitation and management of liquid manure on BC dairy farms. The intent of this study is to clarify what specific risks exist.
The project involves us setting up 4 gas monitors to record potential hydrogen gas emissions whilst manure is agitated or pumped in your storage facility The aim of the project will be to collect important safety information while ensuring minimum disruption to the work schedule on your farm. Participants will be supplied with a gas monitor valued at $200 as a thank you to those who participate.
The results of your study are primarily intended for your own knowledge. We will supply you with a 1 page document explaining our findings and precautions you can take to protect yourself and farm members during agitation should an exposure problem exist.
Personal information will not be passed onto third parties and will remain confidential between you and FARSHA’s agent. The measurements will be conducted at no expense to you and provide you with valuable information for your safety and health.
For more information or to participate, please contact: Tadhg O’Leary at tadhg.oleary@farsha.bc.ca or 604.996.2274.