Pick up a few frozen food items and make easy gourmet meals and snacks in minutes.
Shop for basic, frozen foods that can help you make simple, healthy and delicious meals such as:
Yummy breakfast
Add frozen blueberries to whole grain muffins, oatmeal or pancakes for a burst of flavour.
Super stir-fry
Steam frozen Asian veggies or sauté in a little olive oil. Serve over brown rice and top with tofu and slivered almonds for a quick meatless meal.
Gourmet pasta
A combination of frozen grilled vegetables and frozen cheese tortellini, boiled and then tossed in a zesty tomato sauce, makes a simple yet sophisticated meal.
Divine dessert
Slightly thawed frozen raspberries on top of Greek-style or regular vanilla yogurt makes for a delectable dessert or snack.