
Is Your Protein Intake on Track and on Time?

British Columbians may not consume enough protein. And even more likely, they don’t spread out their protein intake throughout the day.Follow these three tips to help you improve your protein eating habits and fuel yourself optimally!

Get enough protein

Eat the number of servings recommended in Canada’s Food Guide for your age, especially in the two protein-rich food groups— Milk & Alternatives and Meat & Alternatives to keep your protein on track. 

Eat a balanced diet

Most Canadians eat more than their recommended number of servings from the Meat & Alternatives group and not enough from Milk & Alternatives. They may be eating enough protein, but are not balancing it between the two protein-rich food groups. Substitute—not simply add—servings from Milk & Alternatives for your Meat & Alternative servings to keep it balanced.  

Distribute your protein throughout the day

Getting protein-rich foods at each meal can:

  • help you feel full longer
  • prevent craving foods of little nutritional value
  • keep blood sugar steady throughout the day
  • help with chronic disease prevention and management, and overall health
  • slow muscle loss associated with aging
  • preserve lean muscle mass during weight loss

However, many people skip breakfast and don’t eat anything until lunch.  Include protein-rich foods every 4-6 hours to keep your protein on time.

Are you ready to check if your protein intake is on time and on track?

Download a copy of FoodTrack: Check on Protein.

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.