
2021 Nutrition Forum Presentations

Food and Climate Change: Clearing the Air
April 14, 2021

Frank Mitloehner, PhD

Food and Climate – Clearing the Air (PDF)
Presentation starts at 8:00 min (video)

Werner Stump

Sustainability in the Beef Sector (PDF)
Presentation starts at 1 hr 30 min (video)

David van Keulen

Perspective on Dairy Farming (PDF)
Presentation starts at 1 hr 41 min (video)

Ravi and Gurinder Cheema

Agricultural Sustainability in the Greenhouse Sector (PDF)
Presentation starts at 1 hr 50 min (video)

This annual forum is presented by the BC Dairy Association, a not-for-profit organization funded entirely by the dairy producers of British Columbia.  BC Dairy Association has been providing innovative nutrition education programs to schools for over 40 years and resources for the community distributed by health professionals.


About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.