
School Milk BC Overview

What is School Milk BC?

It’s an initiative of BC Dairy Association that provides BC schools with tools and information for setting up a school milk program.

  • All BC schools that serve milk to their students regularly are eligible to register
  • Advice and assistance is available throughout the school year
  • Students in registered schools are eligible to participate in contests and win prizes for themselves and their school!

Why register with School Milk BC?

  • Canada’s new food guide recommends milk and dairy products as part of the protein category. It also recommends white milk as a healthy drink alternative to water.
  • Children’s diets during school hours are sub-optimal, notably for dairy, according to our national Canadian Community Health Survey[1].
  • Milk and milk products are rich in protein, calcium, riboflavin and vitamin B12 — nutrients essential to good health. It is difficult to obtain your daily requirements of calcium and vitamin D without consuming milk or milk products
  • Children who drink milk at school are more likely to meet their nutrient needs. Make the healthy choice the easy choice!

Registration is easy!

  1. Appoint a School Milk Coordinator.
  2. Register for the program.
  3. Place a milk order with a processor or your local grocery store.
  4. Set the price for milk and encourage parents to prepay for milk by the month or year.
  5. Recruit student to volunteer and help distribute milk and incentive prizes.
  6. Call the BC Dairy Association if you have questions.
  7. Have fun! Look for exciting ways to award prizes and promote the program.

Need more information?

Email or call 1-800-242-MILK

  1. Tugault-Lafleur CN, Black JL, Barr SI. Examining school day dietary intake among Canadian children. Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. 2017;42:1064–72.
About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.