
Six Wallet Friendly Tips to Keep Your Grocery Budget Under Control

Try these wallet-friendly tips to keep your grocery budget under control.

With a little planning and some wise strategies, you can shop for healthy, tasty food and stick to your grocery budget. Try these wallet-friendly tips: 

Shop the sales.

Scan store flyers and online coupon sites for specials. Keep in mind that food on sale is not a bargain if you don’t need it or don’t eat it.

Stock up.

When there is a discount, buy extra long-lasting healthy staples such as bulk whole grains (oatmeal, brown rice), dried legumes (beans, peas, lentils), canned vegetables and fruit, and powdered milk. Buy extra fresh meat, fish and poultry when they’re on sale and freeze. 

Check the clearance sections.

Buy whole grain breads to freeze, or vegetables and fruit to use in soups, stews or muffins. 

Compare prices.

Look for unit prices on the grocery store shelves. Store or “no name” brands are often lower in price. Shop when you’re not in a rush, so you have time to compare products. 

Use a calculator.

As you shop, add up the grocery bill to help yourself stay within your budget. 

Eat before you shop.

If you’re hungry, you may be more likely to buy things you don’t need.

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.