Healthy Eating

Calcium: Ideas for Action

These ideas will help you think about and plan ways to increase your calcium.

Pick one or two changes that you can easily make.

  • Select milk as a beverage when eating out.
  • Stir-fry broccoli, kale or bok choy and sprinkle with toasted almonds.
  • Use yogurt or hummus as a dip, garnish, spread or dressing.
  • Stock up on canned salmon for use in sandwiches, salads and casseroles.
  • Make soups with milk instead of water.
  • Try tofu in lasagna.
  • Make your coffee choice a caffè latte.
  • Add cheese or chickpeas to salads and sandwiches.
  • Select milk desserts such as custards, puddings and yogurt.
  • Buy calcium-enriched milk or enrich your own by adding 1 Tbsp. of skim milk powder per cup of milk.
  • Add skim milk powder to cooked cereals, casseroles, hamburger patties, omelettes, mashed potatoes, etc.

Want more ideas? Try the Calcium Calculator™ online tool to find out if you’re getting enough calcium

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.