July 19, 2022

Butter: The Secret of Converting Measurements

There can be an awful lot of math involved in cooking and baking. You might be following an online recipe using the Imperial measurement system, but have Canadian products labeled with the metric system. Or you might need to figure out how much of a solid product equals a liquid volume. This is especially true […]

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February 4, 2010

The Gourmet Touch: Clarified Butter

Clarified butter is used by the great chefs of the world because it is not as quick to burn or smoke in pan-frying as regular butter. To make it, first warm the butter over low heat until melted. Skim off the froth that rises to the top, and pour the liquid fat carefully through a […]

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February 4, 2010

Easy Creaming: Butter and Other Ingredients

To make butter easier to cream with sugar or flour, take the amount of butter required directly from the refrigerator and pop it into the microwave on Medium-Low (30%) power for a few seconds. (it will take about 30 seconds to soften 125 mL (1/2 cup) of butter on the defrost or Medium setting in […]

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February 4, 2010

Cheese Cooking Tips

When using cheese as an ingredient, always cook at low temperatures for a minimum length of time. Otherwise, the cheese can become stringy and rubbery; this is especially true when using a microwave oven. Remember that cheese melts more evenly if diced, shredded or crumbled first. To prevent scorching, melt in top of a double […]

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February 4, 2010

Entertaining with Cheese

For generations, cheese has been served in the very best circles. Whether presented in a wheel or a wedge, there’s nothing like cheese for entertaining! Refer to the tips below for ideas about the best presentation. Serve at room temperature to enhance flavours. At least thirty minutes prior to serving, remove it from the refrigerator, […]

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February 4, 2010

Creative Cooking with Milk

The great chefs of the world have secrets that make their creations tastier…and one of those secrets is milk! Have you ever tried using milk in the following ways? Make soups creamier, sauces smoother, casseroles more moist and desserts more delicious and nutritious. Enrich recipes by substituting milk for all or part of the water […]

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February 4, 2010

Heating Milk

Temperature is the key. Milk should be heated gently and slowly. Otherwise, excessive heat can result in a scorched flavour and/or a film of protein on the top of the milk. Avoid these problems by using one of the two methods: Using the conventional double-boiler method, heat on the stovetop just to the point where […]

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December 15, 2009

Milk Quality FAQs

How do you ensure that there are no harmful bacteria in milk? Are there additives and preservatives? By law, all fluid milk sold in Canada must be pasteurized. This is necessary to kill any harmful bacteria that may find their way into milk. Pasteurization also destroys spoilage organisms, which ensures a longer shelf life for […]

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December 15, 2009

International Trade FAQs

Confused about how dairy fairs in international trade? We can help with that. How much does Canada export? Canada has $7 billion dollars in agricultural exports ($314 million of dairy products) while Canadian farms sell over $18 billion dollars in agricultural products. Export of agricultural products has increased in the past years but general farm […]

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