BC Dairy Farmers
October 5, 2020

Meet BC Dairy Farmers: The Binnendyk Family

Brothers Herman and Bert Binnendyk took over Wenlay Dairy Farm from their parents seven years ago. When the brothers were teenagers the family moved from the Netherlands, where their parents Arie and Rikie farmed. Herman knew from a young age that his passion was farming; Bert grew into farming once they immigrated to Canada and […]

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bc milk tanker truck
April 3, 2020

BC Dairy COVID-19 Update: Milk Supply

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold in Canada and around the world, we want to extend our gratitude to all who are working on the front lines to contain the spread of infection and care for those affected. These are unpredictable times for all Canadians, including food producers, who are designated as essential service […]

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March 20, 2020

BC Dairy COVID-19 Update

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to unfold, BC’s dairy farmers extend our thoughts to all who have been impacted, both at home and abroad. Our farmers continue to ensure a steady supply of dairy products is available for our communities during this challenging time. Milk is picked up from BC dairy farms every day. After […]

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January 3, 2020

Barn Family Trees: What’s in a Name?

Did you know that cows have names and birth certificates? Barn families are special to farm families because they keep each other going. Let’s explore barn families together. In my last year of 4-H, I chose this tall, calm, and nearly all black little Holstein. To my benefit, her personality matched her name: Grace. Grace […]

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BC Dairy Farmers
November 12, 2019

Autumn on the dairy farm – Harvesting and More!

Autumn is a very busy time for BC because it is the end of a crucial crop season. Farmers take special care to ensure that their cows have adequate care while they work hard to get crops off. Kids returning to school, shorter days, and falling leaves are signals to a changing season. Also a […]

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BC Dairy Farmers
August 16, 2019

proAction Biosecurity Rollout in BC

On September 1, 2019 Biosecurity will be rolled out on farms as the fifth pillar of proAction as implemented by Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC). The concept behind the biosecurity pillar is to have plans and procedures in place in order to help control areas that may be identified as a hazard or a risk. […]

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June 7, 2019

7 Lessons Learned Growing Up on a Dairy Farm

Farm kids understand the challenges of growing up on a dairy farm, but they also understand what makes farm life special. Fresh veggies in the summer and brisk winter snow hills are all reminders of growing up on my parent’s farm. Any farm kid understands the challenges of growing up on a farm—like using the […]

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May 3, 2019

Technology in the dairy industry

From milking parlours, to robots, to sophisticated software…farmers are increasingly using technology to make management decisions on the farm! Dairy farming has evolved greatly over the last few decades. Gone are the days where farmers spent hours hand milking each cow one-by-one. Advancements in technology have allowed dairy farmers to improve everyday quality of life […]

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