
Chocolate Milk Is a Great Sports Recovery Drink

Are you reaping the full benefits of your refuel snack post physical activity? Read on to discover when chocolate milk is the perfect sports recovery drink.

Have you ever thought about grabbing a bottle of chocolate milk after your workout? If the answer is no, then you are missing out! Read on to find out when chocolate milk can be the perfect recovery nutrition beverage.

The carbohydrates, protein, and electrolytes (e.g. potassium, sodium) in chocolate milk make it a fantastic sports recovery beverage. The carbohydrates refuel muscles; protein helps muscle repair, and electrolytes help with rehydration.

When is recovery nutrition important?

  • after intense physical activity lasting more than an hour (e.g. sports practices, marathon running, training sessions)

  • when recovery time is short (e.g. during sports tournaments and training twice a day)

Are you on track?

Find out if you are eating for optimal performance by using the Sports Nutrition in Action tool, developed by B.C. registered dietitians.

To learn more about how chocolate milk and other recovery snacks help refuel, repair and rehydrate, visit All About Recovery.

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.