
Podcast: Tips on How to Balance Busy Schedules & Budgets While Making Time for Meal Prep

A podcast with a BC Chef and RD. Join in & listen to Joel’s quick tips for balanced eating on a budget, and how the key to wellness starts with you.

Podcast Link: Healthy Together

The old saying goes, “You can have it fast and cheap, or cheap and good, or fast and good, but you can’t have all three.”

Joel Barohn, a dietitian, chef and nutrition educator at BC Dairy Association has a different take on this. He thinks there’s a way to help those who are juggling busy schedules, household budgets and trouble with meal prep.

To help with these recommendations and more, he sat down with Hannah Rose of Camuson College for her podcast, Healthy Together. Joel truly makes food and nutrition fun with his call for us to get “messy in the kitchen.”  In an easy and lighthearted conversation, Hannah and Joel discussed seriously delicious foods, batch cooking, and the benefits of meal prep.

An overarching theme throughout the interview was how we as individuals interpret our own level of wellness. To him, a key to wellness is having a healthy relationship with food.

“A key to wellness is having a healthy relationship with food.”

Sophie_Marya cooking

“Often, individuals peek into their diet from a 4-inch perspective,” focusing on individual nutrients as opposed to overall eating patterns.  

A more productive approach, according to Joel, is to take “a step back and self-assess one’s diet or physical activity from a 40,000-foot perspective.”

As an example, Joel suggested using resources from the Food Track series as a way to assess one’s overall diet, create a goal for improvement, and track progress.  Other resources offered by BC Dairy Association for health professionals and teachers include a variety of workshops throughout British Columbia.

Joel Barohn MS, RD, Chef

Chef and RD, Joel Barohn

Check out these links to resources mentioned in the podcast:

Meals This Week Planner

Pantry staples at your fingertips

Pantry staples monthly shopping list

30-minute skillet meals

Importance of Cooking and Eating with Children/Recipe Ideas/Cookbook Generator

DC Member Blog 2017

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.