Veterinarians, nutritionists, feed delivery and milk pickup trucks are all regular visitors to many dairy farms in a day. These visitors and the introduction of new animals present the risk of disease to a dairy herd.
Farm-level biosecurity practices minimize the risk of introducing infectious diseases on to and between dairy farms. Infectious livestock diseases have an adverse effect on animal health, human health, and the economy.
The Biosecurity pillar requirements encourage collaboration between farmers and their herd veterinarians to reduce risks of introducing animal diseases onto dairy farms. Strong on-farm biosecurity protocols will not only improve the overall health of Canadian herds but also ensure animal health and farm productivity.
Providing excellent animal care is one of the most important job requirements when you are a dairy farmer.
proAction encourages Canadian dairy farmers to continuously advance environmental stewardship.
The food safety module of proAction is designed to monitor and prevent food safety risks in dairy production.
Everyone who cares for dairy cattle must maintain meticulous records on animal movements to ensure the health of all cattle across Canada.
Dairy farmers monitor their milk quality every day.