Cooking and Eating
June 12, 2021

How Can I Create Enjoyable Family Meals?

Having more family meals at home? Change mealtimes from a struggle to a satisfying event with the division of responsibility. Do you constantly find yourself fighting over meals with your children or cooking different meals to cater to a variety of food preferences in your household? Do mealtimes always seem like a struggle? Figuring out […]

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Healthy Eating
January 23, 2017

Eat like a Mediterranean using local foods

You’ve heard it before that one of the healthy patterns of eating is the Mediterranean diet. But does that mean you need to abandon the use of local foods? You’ve heard it before that one of the healthy patterns of eating is the Mediterranean diet. But does that mean abandoning local foods? Not at all! Here’s […]

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Cooking and Eating
September 1, 2016

12 Recipes to Get Back to School Ready

Looking for snack and lunch ideas? We’ve got you covered! But first, before tackling school lunchboxes, plan a nutritious breakfast to jump start your family’s day. Breakfast can also help students focus at school throughout the morning until it is lunch time.

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Healthy Eating
February 17, 2010

Calcium: Ideas for Action

These ideas will help you think about and plan ways to increase your calcium. Pick one or two changes that you can easily make. Select milk as a beverage when eating out. Stir-fry broccoli, kale or bok choy and sprinkle with toasted almonds. Use yogurt or hummus as a dip, garnish, spread or dressing. Stock […]

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