DairyPro BC Launches!

The BC dairy industry is “in-class” with its first delivery of the Dairy Production apprenticeship program, DairyPro BC.  The apprenticeship program was designed by industry, to ensure an adequate supply of qualified employees for the unique, dynamic and growing Dairy industry in BC.

On November 1st the first group of apprentices began in class instruction at the state-of-the-art UBC Dairy Education and Research Centre in Agassiz, BC. The program covers all aspects of our vital agriculture industry and will be delivered over the next several months.  The program is  taught by a team of leading experts from all aspects of dairy production.  The program combines both technical “in-class” training, over 5 weeks, and workplace experience.

British Columbia and Alberta are currently the only Canadian provinces offering a Dairy Production Technician apprenticeship program.  The BC program focuses on the knowledge and skills required for maintaining cattle health and breeding, calf care, sanitation, feeding, and milking.

The first session of Dairy Pro was full to capacity. Next session begins Fall 2011.

For more information visit: www.dairyprobc.ca

About BC Dairy

BC Dairy is a not-for-profit organization representing BC’s dairy farmers.