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Tips and tricks
February 5, 2010

Keeping Butter Fresh

Refrigerate immediately after purchase and store on refrigerator shelves. It’s best to keep butter in its original wrapper. The foil helps prevent spoilage that may result from exposure to light and air, as well as offering protection from the aromas and flavours of other foods in the refrigerator. Left unwrapped, either salted or unsalted butter […]

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February 5, 2010

Keeping Yogurt Fresh

Refrigerate immediately after purchase. Store on refrigerator shelves (Doors are not cold enough.) Seal yogurt containers well to protect the yogurt form other foods with strong odours. If yogurt separates and a watery liquid rises to the top, stir it in if you prefer the yogurt to remain thinner. Otherwise, drain it off. Generally speaking, […]

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Cooking and Eating
February 5, 2010

Storing Skim Milk Powder

Skim milk powder does not need refrigeration. Skim milk powder keeps for up to one year unopened, use within 1-2 months once opened. Close the package tightly after use to prevent powder from absorbing moisture and caking. Treat like fresh milk, once reconstituted. Chill 24 hours after mixing; serve cold for best flavour.

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February 5, 2010

Keeping Milk Fresh

Storing milk properly will preserve its quality and freshness. Even though milk is perishable, storing it properly will preserve its quality and freshness. Use the guidelines below to get full benefits from the milk you buy. In the store, check the best before date to ensure that you are buying the freshest quality milk available. […]

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July 3, 2022

Dairy Substitutions for Cooking and Baking

Nothing beats a recipe made to perfection, but it’s happened to all of us–you realize too late that you’re out of a key dairy ingredient. Maybe you already started mixing, or maybe you caught it while taking out ingredients but you don’t have enough time to run to the store. Don’t panic! It might not […]

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July 13, 2022

Butter Types

How great is butter? Butter on toast. Butter on potatoes. Butter drizzled on everything from vegetables and meat to bread and popcorn. It’s a staple in baked goods, like buttercream frosting and Canada’s iconic pastry, butter tarts. There’s nothing quite like the taste! Let’s talk about the different butter types, their uses, and other fun […]

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July 19, 2022

Butter: The Secret of Converting Measurements

There can be an awful lot of math involved in cooking and baking. You might be following an online recipe using the Imperial measurement system, but have Canadian products labeled with the metric system. Or you might need to figure out how much of a solid product equals a liquid volume. This is especially true […]

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Cooking and Eating
February 4, 2010

The Gourmet Touch: Clarified Butter

Clarified butter is used by the great chefs of the world because it is not as quick to burn or smoke in pan-frying as regular butter. To make it, first warm the butter over low heat until melted. Skim off the froth that rises to the top, and pour the liquid fat carefully through a […]

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February 4, 2010

Easy Creaming: Butter and Other Ingredients

To make butter easier to cream with sugar or flour, take the amount of butter required directly from the refrigerator and pop it into the microwave on Medium-Low (30%) power for a few seconds. (it will take about 30 seconds to soften 125 mL (1/2 cup) of butter on the defrost or Medium setting in […]

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