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lunar new year
Prep Time

15-20 分鐘

Cook Time

6 小時以上

Total Time

6 小時 20 分鐘


通常在茶樓可以吃到的芒果布甸也可按照 Stephanie Dang @vancouverdietitans 提供的這道食譜自己使用新鮮食材製作。

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Prep Time


Cook Time


Total Time



这道 30 分钟的芝士猪排菜是港式料理的舒适改良版,非常适合快速的平日晚餐或任何时候的温暖美食享受。食谱由 Kirby @EatingWithKirby 提供。

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Prep Time


Cook Time


Total Time



這道 30 分鐘的芝士豬排菜是港式料理的舒適改良版,非常適合快速的平日晚餐或任何時候的溫暖美食享受。食譜由 Kirby @EatingWithKirby 提供。

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Prep Time

10 minutes

Cook Time

30 minutes

Total Time

40 minutes

One Pot HK Style Cheesy Pork Chop Rice

This 30-minute cheesy pork chop dish is a comforting twist on HK-style cuisine, perfect for a quick weeknight meal or a cozy treat any time. Recipe by Kirby @EatingWithKirby.

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Prep Time

20 minute
(board ate garnish
ikathhe karan layi)

Cook Time

0 minute
(pakaun di lod nahi hai;
vikalpik pickling pehlan hi kitti ja sakdi hai)

Total Time

20 minute
(pehlan kiti kise vi
pickling jaan marinating de bina)

Indian Cheese Board

Cheese Board, desi swaadaan to prerit flavor da fusion hai, ate eh cheese, masaliyan ate sahayak samaggriyan da ik ajeha mishran pesh karda hai, jo kise vi gathering layi adarsh hai. Raj @pinkchai duara recipe.

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Prep Time

20 minute
(board aur garnish ko
ikattha karne ke liye)

Cook Time

0 minute
(pakane ki zaroorat nahi hai;
vaikalpik pickling pehle se kiya ja sakta hai)

Total Time

20 minute
(pahle ki kisee bhee
pickling ya marinating ko chhodkar)

Indian Cheese Board

Cheese Board, desi swaadon se prerit flavors ka fusion hai aur yeh cheese, masaalon aur sahayak saamagriyon ka aesa mishran prastut karta hai jo kisi bhi gathering ke liye aadarsh hai. Raj @pinkchai dwara recipe.

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Prep Time

20 minutes
(for assembling the board
and garnishes)

Cook Time

0 minutes
(no cooking required;
optional pickling can be done beforehand)

Total Time

20 minutes
(excluding any advance
pickling or marinating)

Indian Cheese Board

Cheese Board, a fusion of flavors inspired by desi tastes, brings together a mix of cheeses, spices, and accompaniments, perfect for any gathering. Recipe by Raj Thandi, @pinkchai.

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lunar new year

Bubble Tea

Bubble tea is a Taiwanese recipe made by blending tea with milk, fruit and fruit juices, then adding tasty tapioca pearls and shaking vigorously. Prep Time 10 minutes Cook Time 30 minutes Serving Size 4 servings Equipment Saucepan, tall 16oz glasses Ingredients 1 cup (250 ml) milk (whole milk or your choice of milk fat […]

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Cheese, chicken, and vegetable tray bake topped with ricotta and bocconcini.
Family Favourite
Prep Time

15 mins

Cook Time

35-40 mins

Total Time

1 hr and 10 mins

Cheesy chicken tray bake

This all in one meal features tender chicken breast, veggies tossed in a Mediterranean sauce then topped with bocconcini and ricotta. Everything cooks on a single baking tray making this an easy and quick meal idea.

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